Creating school trip education resources
Together with senior, qualified, practising and professional teachers, I work with visitor attractions and leisure venues to create memorable and educational school trip programmes to drive off-peak volume.
Formerly known as Minds Ignited, I ensure education and school trip programmes speak the language of a teacher, and combine them with brand values of the attraction and the National Curriculum to create school trip resources and programmes steeped in education value and fun.
We create on-site education workshops, resources and pre and post-visit lessons (including worksheets) - all linked to your brand and the National Curriculum.
Three of our education programmes have won awards.
How I can help you grow your visitors
Advice and help
By looking at the National Curriculum first, we'll find the topics and subjects that link to what teachers want and need.
Subjects and topics for different Key Stages
Creative ideas
On-going support
Advice and help
Pre, visit and post visit resources
We'll create all the resources teachers need for a fun and educational lesson.
Age-appropriate lesson plans
Fun and interactive on-site workshops
Workbooks and worksheets
Powerpoint slides for classroom
Scripts for your on-site staff to deliver the programme
Pre, visit and post visit resources
Marketing copy and training
We'll help you with all the tools you need to make a school trip a success
Top tips for easy planning
Risk assessments
Marketing copy
Staff training