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Creating school trip education resources

Together with senior, qualified, practising and professional teachers, I work with visitor attractions and leisure venues to create memorable and educational school trip programmes to drive off-peak volume.


Formerly known as Minds Ignited, I ensure education and school trip programmes speak the language of a teacher, and combine them with brand values of the attraction and the National Curriculum to create school trip resources and programmes steeped in education value and fun.

We create on-site education workshops, resources and pre and post-visit lessons (including worksheets) - all linked to your brand and the National Curriculum.

Three of our education programmes have won awards.

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How I can help you grow your visitors

Advice and help

By looking at the National Curriculum first, we'll find the topics and subjects that link to what teachers want and need.

  • Positioning

  • Subjects and topics for different Key Stages

  • Strategy

  • Creative ideas

  • On-going support

Advice and help

Pre, visit and post visit resources

We'll create all the resources teachers need for a fun and educational lesson. 

  • Age-appropriate lesson plans
  • Fun and interactive on-site workshops
  • Workbooks and worksheets
  • Powerpoint slides for classroom
  • Scripts for your on-site staff to deliver the programme

Pre, visit and post visit resources

Marketing copy and training

We'll help you with all the tools you need to make a school trip a success

  • Website
  • Top tips for easy planning
  • Risk assessments
  • Marketing copy
  • Staff training

Marketing copy and training

Education Clients

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