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Creating school trip education resources



Together with senior, qualified, practising and professional teachers, I work with visitor attractions and leisure venues to create memorable and educational school trip programmes to drive off-peak volume.


Formerly known as Minds Ignited, I ensure education and school trip programmes speak the language of a teacher, and combine them with brand values of the attraction and the National Curriculum to create school trip resources and programmes steeped in education value and fun.


We create on-site education workshops, resources and pre and post-visit lessons (including worksheets) - all linked to your brand and the National Curriculum.


Three of our education programmes have won Best School Trip awards.


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How I can help you grow your visitors

Advice and help

  • Positioning

  • Subjects and topics for different Key Stages

  • Strategy

  • Creative ideas

  • On-going support

By looking at the National Curriculum first, we'll find the topics and subjects that link to what teachers want and need.

Advice and help

  • Age-appropriate lesson plans
  • Fun and interactive on-site workshops
  • Workbooks and worksheets
  • Powerpoint slides for classroom
  • Scripts for your on-site staff to deliver the programme

Pre, visit and post visit resources

We'll create all the resources teachers need for a fun and educational lesson. 

Pre, visit and post visit resources

Marketing copy and training

We'll help you with all the tools you need to make a school trip a success

  • Website
  • Top tips for easy planning
  • Risk assessments
  • Marketing copy
  • Staff training

Marketing copy and training

Education Clients


Blenheim Palace

On-site workshops to support the new Churchill exhibition, creating an MI5-inspired education room with cyphers and puzzles.


Key Stages 1, 2 and 3

English, Art, Maths and History


Premier league stadium tour

Three on-site workshops interwoven into the tour, supported with pre and post vistit lessons. Launching 2022.​


Key Stages 2, 3 and 4

English, Science and Business

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Golden Tours

Actor-led "Bard on a Bus" educational bus tour for top London sightseeing company Golden Tours.


Key Stages 2 and 3

English and History


Elstree studios

To celebrate the 90th anniversary of Elstree Studios, created a filmmaking project and gala event to showcase entrants.


Primary school



greenwood family park

On-site trails and work booklets and pre and post visit lessons.


Key Stages 1 and 2



Up at the o2

Viewing platform challenges and games to support learning and pre and post-visit lessons.​


Key Stages 2, 3 and 4

Geography, History, Art, STEM, Business and English as a Foreign Language (EFL)


visit kent

Creation of a "lesson in a box' delivered to schools in Kent containing everything needed for a 6 lesson programme, incorporating six of Kent's biggest attractions to reconnect children to their county post Covid.​


Key Stage 2



view from the shard

Pre and post visit lesson resources and relevant talking points for on-site learnings focusing on London's history.​


Key Stage 3

Geography and History


beano comics

"The Language of Jokes" explored Beano's unique humour and characters to understand how SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) and comic devices affect the funniness of a joke in into a six in-class project


Key Stage 1 and 2


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real mary king's close

On-site workshops and activity packs linked to the Scottish National Curriculum.​


Primary School P2 - P7)

Social studies, literacy and expressive art


Emmerdale studio experience

Script to screen pre and post visit lesson resources. Won Best School Trip award.​


Key Stages 2, 3 , 4 and 5

English, Science, Design , Drama


zip world

Pre and post visit resources and on-site booklet to support learning across three of Zip World's sites in Wales focusing on gravity and geographical features.​


Key Stages 2 and 3

Science, Geography and English


sea life centres

On-site trails and booklets designed to be adapted across all UK SEA LIFE and Seal Sanctuary centres.​


Key Stages 1 and 2



Body worlds London

On-site booklets for children to enhance their learning, delving into more detail. Won Best School Trip award.​


Key Stages , 4 and 5

Biology, PSHE and English

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Review of existing educational offer followed by pre and post visit lessons to support the on-site educational nature of the attraction. â€‹


Key Stage 1, 2 and 3

Maths and English

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